Yarn consists of several strands of material twisted together. Each strand is, in turn, made of fibers, all shorter than the piece of yarn that they form. These short fibers are spun into longer filaments to make the yarn. Long continuous strands may only require additional twisting to make them into yarns. Sometimes they are put through an additional process called texturing.
Yarn is used to make textiles using a variety of processes, including weavings, knitting, and felting. We are providing high quality Yarn in following varieties.
Cotton from Africa has relatively long fibres and is carefully picked by hand. That makes it a high-quality raw material. It is no coincidence that cotton is a popular material for T-shirts, trousers and shirts – cotton feels soft and pleasant on the skin, it is breathable and absorbent.
We import complete range of spinning machinery and spare parts for spinning. Blow Room, Carding, Ring Frames, Auto Cone machineries and their parts.
We are exporting wide range of commodities. Rice, Marblestones, Pet Flakes, Frozen Beef Meats, Beef Offals.
We are providing finest quality of fabric in the industry. We are specialized in Woven and Knitted Fabrics with timely delivery and promise of quality.
One of our very new division to add diversification in our business, we build and sell houses to cater the need of ready to move houses and contributing in urban development of Pakistan.